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Logistics Recommendations

General Information of Medellín

Colombian Department: Antioquia

Capital: Medellin

Population: 2,464,000

Weather: Between 18 ºC and 28 ºC / 64 ºF and 82,4 ºF

Currency: Colombian Peso.

Exchange: COP$2,900 per USD1.

Main economy: Manufacturing, textile – clothing, trade, services and innovation.

Total area: 382 Km²

Latitude: 6º 15′ N

Altitude: 75º 36′ O

Electricity: Common voltage in Colombia is 110 V. The frequency is 60 Hz. Outlets and sockets are type A / B

The hotel is located approximately 40 minutes away from the José María Córdova international airport (located in the municipality of Rionegro). At the airport you will find a taxi to get to the hotel. The average fare for this trip is $70,000 Colombian pesos (approximately $ 24 US).

Address: Carrera 25A # 1A Sur 45, Medellín, Antioquia

Telephone: 57 (4) 6048156


Note: It is forbidden to smoke inside the hotel. In case of smoking in restricted areas, a specialized odor cleaning will be charged to the room and must be assumed by the participant (USD 150).

The event will be held in English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in both English and Spanish.

The following alimentation services are foreseen:

Breakfast: The accommodation includes breakfasts from October 28 to November 3.
Lunch: The event will take care of providing lunch throughout the week from October 28 to November 2.
Dinner: The World Bank will cover three dinners at the hotel. At the time of check-in,three vouchers will be given to every participant (one for each dinner), for a value of COP 30,000 (USD 10) each, which may be used in any of the seven nights spent in the hotel. If the participant wishes to enjoy a higher value dinner,he/she can pay the surplus to the hotel.

In the case of having food restrictions, (vegetarian food, allergies to several types of meals, among others), please inform the organization of the event.

As the weather of the city does not variate much throughout the year, we recommend using light clothing. However, the agenda scheduled for October 28 to November 1 will be held in different venues around the city and there will be long walks, we recommended to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Additionally, the use of sunscreen, cap or hat is also recommended.

  • There will be an outdoor activity with citizens on October 28. We kindly ask you to bring a white T-shirt. Also, for this day, we recommend wearing sneakers and a cap.
  • For October 29 and November 2, we recommend all the participants to wear light business-casual clothing.

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Register your photographs and thoughts of the event in social media with the following hashtags. By participating, you will contribute with your experience to the joint construction of Medellín Lab: #MDELab2018

Others: @acimedellin, @WorldBank, @alcaldiademed